Rishi Kapoor and Amitabh Bachchan starrer '102 Not Out' are releasing on Friday. In the film, Rishi Kapoor plays a 75-year-old son. Well, talking about Real Life, he is the father of two children. Betty Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and Son Ranbir Kapoor How is the relationship of the sage with both? He revealed his biography in 'Khullam Khulla'. If Rishi Kapoor believed that he used to drink a lot of cigarettes before. But after a daughter's comment, she left it forever
In the book, Rishi Kapoor wrote, "I used to smoke a lot, but I quit cigarettes when he (daughter) said - I will not kiss you in the morning because you smell your mouth." Significantly, Riddhima is the first child of the sage. He was born in 1980. According to the sage, when Riddhima was born, he and Neetu were on the seventh heaven. At that time no one complained that he had a daughter as the first child. Later Ranbir was born and his family became complete.
In the book, Rishi Kapoor wrote, "I used to smoke a lot, but I quit cigarettes when he (daughter) said - I will not kiss you in the morning because you smell your mouth." Significantly, Riddhima is the first child of the sage. He was born in 1980. According to the sage, when Riddhima was born, he and Neetu were on the seventh heaven. At that time no one complained that he had a daughter as the first child. Later Ranbir was born and his family became complete.
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