Anushka Sharma celebrates her 30th birthday on Tuesday. This is his first birthday after marriage. During this, Anushka celebrated the birthday of the wife by cutting the cake with her husband Virat Kohli. This birthday was also special for Anushka, because after the defeat, Virat gave a gift of victory by defeating Mumbai Indians on his birthday.
Anushka decided to watch the movie on the birthday with husband Virat Kohli. After this, both the Hollywood movie went to the Avengers.
To make Birthday special, Anushka wrote a message on Virat's name on social media. Anushka wrote - Celebrated Birthday with the world's finest, compassionate and brave man. Lots of love to make my birthday special
Anushka decided to watch the movie on the birthday with husband Virat Kohli. After this, both the Hollywood movie went to the Avengers.
To make Birthday special, Anushka wrote a message on Virat's name on social media. Anushka wrote - Celebrated Birthday with the world's finest, compassionate and brave man. Lots of love to make my birthday special
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