In the first qualifier match of the IPL 2018, Chennai Super Kings qualified for the finals of the tournament by defeating Sunrisers Hyderabad by two wickets. It was not easy for Chennai to win the match, chasing 140 for the target, he lost his 8 wickets at 113 runs, and the match was out of his hand. However, on one side of the crease, Jamie Ff Duplexi teamed up with Shardul Thakur for a 27-run partnership and won the team. Like every match of CSK, Dhoni's Wife witness was present at the stadium to watch this match. During the match, on a very delicate occasion, they saw hands praying together.
During the match, Chennai needed 23 runs on 12 balls to win. The victory was a bit daunting at this point.
In the next over, Shridul Thakur, who was on the crease on the first ball of Siddharth Kaul, scored a shot. Now Chennai were to score 19 runs on 11 balls.
- Shardul missed the second ball of this over. They tried to put the shot towards the front, but the ball went from behind to the back of the bat with the inner side of the bat and the keeper. Now CSK needed 15 runs on 10 balls to win.
During the match, Chennai needed 23 runs on 12 balls to win. The victory was a bit daunting at this point.
In the next over, Shridul Thakur, who was on the crease on the first ball of Siddharth Kaul, scored a shot. Now Chennai were to score 19 runs on 11 balls.
- Shardul missed the second ball of this over. They tried to put the shot towards the front, but the ball went from behind to the back of the bat with the inner side of the bat and the keeper. Now CSK needed 15 runs on 10 balls to win.
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