Royal Challengers Bangalore defeated Mumbai Indians by 14 runs in a match played in IPL 2018 on Tuesday. In this match, Mumbai got the target of 168 runs, but they could only make 153 runs in the set overs. On behalf of Mumbai, Hardik Pandya's 50-ball innings was a brilliant batting but Mumbai's hopes of winning the match also ended. There was also a funny moment with Pandya in the match when he saw running without bat
During the match, this moment was shown on the second ball of the 19th over, when Mumbai's score was 139 for 5 wickets.
- Mo. Hardy Pandya squirched this Yorker ball on the outside off stump of Siraj and played towards the front.
- As soon as Hardik played this shot, his bat escaped from his hand and jumped into the air and fell a little away from the stump and dropped off.
By the time the Kuraln Pandya ran on the non striker end, till the hearty understand something, Hardik had to run the run because of that.
During the match, this moment was shown on the second ball of the 19th over, when Mumbai's score was 139 for 5 wickets.
- Mo. Hardy Pandya squirched this Yorker ball on the outside off stump of Siraj and played towards the front.
- As soon as Hardik played this shot, his bat escaped from his hand and jumped into the air and fell a little away from the stump and dropped off.
By the time the Kuraln Pandya ran on the non striker end, till the hearty understand something, Hardik had to run the run because of that.
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