Arbaaz, who reached Sonam's reception, reached the ex-wife's sister's hand and came out in the wedding reception of Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja on Tuesday night. During the reception, he was seen walking out of the hotel with the hand of ex-wife Malaika Arora's sister Amrita Arora. Photos are captured in the camera. But it is not clear whether these photos were random click or both were upset about anything.
Arbaaz and Amrita arrive at the reception. But according to the reports, they did not stop there much longer They left soon there It is worth mentioning that the debates of Arbaaz and Malaika have been done in 2016. But his relationship with Malaika is still normal with his sister Amrita. Arbaaz can often be seen doing quality time with Malaika's family. At the same time, Malaika and Arora also become part of almost every celebration of the Khan family.
Arbaaz and Amrita arrive at the reception. But according to the reports, they did not stop there much longer They left soon there It is worth mentioning that the debates of Arbaaz and Malaika have been done in 2016. But his relationship with Malaika is still normal with his sister Amrita. Arbaaz can often be seen doing quality time with Malaika's family. At the same time, Malaika and Arora also become part of almost every celebration of the Khan family.
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