Sridevi's daughter Jahnavi Kapoor spotted the movie on Sunday. Papa Boni Kapoor's hand reached the film to watch the film. He was accompanied by step sister Anshula Kapoor. During this, Jahnavi was looking glamorous in blue denim and crop top. They were wearing round earrings too. There was a spot in two peaks to see Jahanvi movie, which kept its hair open. Jahnavi also had his backbone pink bottle in hand. This bottle is often seen in the hand of Jahnavi. They do not know why they keep these bottles with them, but they are convinced that this bottle was their gift to their mother Sridevi. At the same time, Anshula was seen in jeans and red shirt. Let's tell you that Jahvani is going to debut in Bollywood with 'Dhadk'. Shahid Kapoor's brother Ishaan Khattar will share screen with him in this film. This movie, made under the banner of Dharma Productions, will be released in July this year. This movie is a remake of Marathi film 'Sarat'.
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