A case of assault has been reported from the wife of Indian cricket team star, Ravindra Jadeja. Jadeja's wife Rewa's car collided with the bike of a policeman in Jamnagar, Gujarat, after which the dispute increased and the policeman attacked the Jadeja's wife seriously. Constable has been suspended for the moment
The police department is referring to strict action against the constable. Jamnagar SP Pradip Shejul says that the abuse of women is a serious matter. Strict action is being taken against the accused policeman.
It is being told that the Ranchi car collided with the Constance which was in civil dress. According to the news, Rewa is normally injured. Soon after this the matter reached the police station directly and Rewa was being treated at the SP office.
The police department is referring to strict action against the constable. Jamnagar SP Pradip Shejul says that the abuse of women is a serious matter. Strict action is being taken against the accused policeman.
It is being told that the Ranchi car collided with the Constance which was in civil dress. According to the news, Rewa is normally injured. Soon after this the matter reached the police station directly and Rewa was being treated at the SP office.
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