Neha Dhupia (37) and Angad Bedi (35) have tied up on Thursday in connection with marriage. After the Wedding Ceremonies in Delhi, both were seen at the airport late at night. From where Neha and Angad have left for America together. It is being speculated that this Newly Weds Couple has gone on honeymoon on the wedding night itself. However, it is being said that Kapal has gone to fulfill certain professional commitments.
According to the news, a charity event is included in Kapil's professional commitments. In this series both have gone to the US for 5-6. Well, if Neha-Angad married, few people knew about it.
- Both of these announcements have been posted on social media by posting a sudden wedding photo. It was hoped that they would give information regarding marriage reception and other functions, but both of them have left for foreign work for the time being.
Both of them were seen at Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport and their video is becoming quite viral.
According to the news, a charity event is included in Kapil's professional commitments. In this series both have gone to the US for 5-6. Well, if Neha-Angad married, few people knew about it.
- Both of these announcements have been posted on social media by posting a sudden wedding photo. It was hoped that they would give information regarding marriage reception and other functions, but both of them have left for foreign work for the time being.
Both of them were seen at Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport and their video is becoming quite viral.
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