Bollywood singer Himesh Reshammiya is going to get married again in the bondage of marriage. They will be married to girlfriend Sonia Kapoor at her Mumbai home on May 11. Himesh Reshamiya's associate Rakesh Upadhyay has confirmed this. Rakesh said, "Himesh will be married in a small ceremony, which will include his close family members.
According to Rakesh Upadhyay, Himesh will also host a reception soon after the marriage, which will include many of his Bollywood Friends. Let's say Himesh's first husband's name is gentle. Himesh and Komal were married in 1995 and they got divorced in 2017. Both have a son, whose name is itself.
According to Rakesh Upadhyay, Himesh will also host a reception soon after the marriage, which will include many of his Bollywood Friends. Let's say Himesh's first husband's name is gentle. Himesh and Komal were married in 1995 and they got divorced in 2017. Both have a son, whose name is itself.
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