In fact, NRI businessman Dilip Kumar, living in Rajasthan, lodged an FIR against Kim in Khar police station in Mumbai, saying that he used to park his car on Kim Khar and his husband Ali Punjani's house at Khar, because Dilip Kumar's Business abroad and they live abroad, but often go to Mumbai. In such a situation, when he comes to Mumbai, he lives in the hotel and uses his car which lived in Kim's house. But last year he came to know that Kim used his car and then he asked his car back, then Kim refused to give it to him. In such a case, in September, 2017, Dilip lodged a complaint against Kim Sharma at the Khar Police Station, but at that time the police had registered a case of fraud under section 406 IPC against her husband Ali Punjani instead of Kim.
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