Actress Sonam Kapoor tied up with Delhi-based businessman Anand Ahuja on Tuesday in connection with marriage. Both of them were married to Punjabi customs. Wedding Ceremoni Sonam's Aunt Kavita Singh's bungalow was in the bungalow located in the bungalow. Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan, who arrived in the reception after marriage, did a lot of dance. The songs of both the films 'Juvwana' have been tuned to ton tonat ton tona. During this, Mica Singh and Anil Kapoor also accompanied them.
Earlier, as soon as Salman reached the reception, he first embraced Katrina Kaif. During this, he continued to talk to Katrina and Jacqueline Fernandez for some time. Jacqueline Fernandez, Salman's sister Arpita and Jeeja Ayush Sharma also appeared in the reception. Apart from these, Sunil Shetty, her daughter Athiya and wife also appeared. At the same time, Ayushman Khurana, his wife Tahira Kashyap, Shilpa Shetty, Raj Kundra also appeared.
Earlier, as soon as Salman reached the reception, he first embraced Katrina Kaif. During this, he continued to talk to Katrina and Jacqueline Fernandez for some time. Jacqueline Fernandez, Salman's sister Arpita and Jeeja Ayush Sharma also appeared in the reception. Apart from these, Sunil Shetty, her daughter Athiya and wife also appeared. At the same time, Ayushman Khurana, his wife Tahira Kashyap, Shilpa Shetty, Raj Kundra also appeared.
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