X Contestant and model Sofia Hyatt of 'Big Boss 8' wants to sell the given ring of their handset. This ring is of three lakh rupees. Sophia argues that she does not want to keep any memory of her husband, Vlad Stanthey. The news of the separation of both of them came in the last week of April. After this Sophia lost her child due to miscarriage. In an interview given to a popular website, Sophia said: 'This ring is such a thing that she bought for me, everything else I took from my money.
Sophia had said, "He lied to me many times, he has no money, I have taken all the expenses myself." "According to Sophia," I came to know about his wrong intentions, when my money slowly disappeared from my purse, and not only did I get some documents of my property. Sophia also accused her husband of selling her gift of 10 million rupees for just 1.5 1.5 lakhs.
Sophia had said, "He lied to me many times, he has no money, I have taken all the expenses myself." "According to Sophia," I came to know about his wrong intentions, when my money slowly disappeared from my purse, and not only did I get some documents of my property. Sophia also accused her husband of selling her gift of 10 million rupees for just 1.5 1.5 lakhs.
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