The 65th National Film Awards will be given on Thursday in New Delhi's Vigyan Bhawan. Sridevi and Vinod Khanna will get posthumously posthumously. Sridevi will receive the Dadasaheb Phalke Award for Best Actress and Vinod Khanna. Earlier, Bonnie Kapoor became emotional during the rehearsal on Wednesday at Vigyan Bhawan. Jahanwi and happiness were also present with their daughters. The grief of losing the Sridevi on the face of all three was a glimpse of Let me tell you that Sridevi died in February, 2018. At the same time, actor Vinod Khanna passed away on 27th April, 2017 at age 71.
Award for Best Actor has been given to Riddhi Sen for the film city. Simultaneously, director Amit V. Mushurkar's film 'Newton' won the award in two categories. While Newton has been chosen as the best Hindi feature film, Pankaj Tripathi has been given special award in the role.
Award for Best Actor has been given to Riddhi Sen for the film city. Simultaneously, director Amit V. Mushurkar's film 'Newton' won the award in two categories. While Newton has been chosen as the best Hindi feature film, Pankaj Tripathi has been given special award in the role.
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