Some of Kareena Kapoor's videos are becoming viral on social media, in which they are seen to be dancing and dancing. The videos are on Wednesday, during the reception of Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja. When Kareena reached here, Husband was with Saif Ali Khan. But on the dance floor he was seen with the friends Swara Bhaskar and Shikha Talasania. He also saw a drink glass in his hands. Kareena danced on friends like 'Badri Ka Dulhania' and 'Ole-Ole' with friends. 'Veer The Wedding' was a unit of together ...
- Kareena Kapoor is returning to the big screen with the movie 'Veer The Wedding'. Sonam Kapoor is also a part of the film and with Swamy Bhaskar and Shikha Talasaniya also seen in the dance floor, Kareena is a key role in the film. Directed by Shashank Ghosh, the film has produced Sonam Kapoor's sister Riya Kapoor along with Nikhil Dwivedi, Ekta Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor. The film will be released in theaters on June 1
- Kareena Kapoor is returning to the big screen with the movie 'Veer The Wedding'. Sonam Kapoor is also a part of the film and with Swamy Bhaskar and Shikha Talasaniya also seen in the dance floor, Kareena is a key role in the film. Directed by Shashank Ghosh, the film has produced Sonam Kapoor's sister Riya Kapoor along with Nikhil Dwivedi, Ekta Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor. The film will be released in theaters on June 1
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