Recently, Karisma Kapoor had said something like this on the pair of Kareena Kapoor and Salman Khan, due to which not only can Kareena but Saif also be surprised.
Karisma Kapoor made an unfolding disclosure about Salman and Kareena in the 'Night of the Limited Edition' show that no one would be convinced. In fact, during the show, Karisma said about the duo of Kareena Kapoor and Salman Khan that Salman is my best friend rather than Kareena. After this, you will be surprised by what Karisma said. Karisma said that 'Salman takes care of Kareena as a younger sister. She still thinks Kareena as a child. '
Let us tell you that Salman has worked in films such as Karisma with her number one, Aapne Aap Apna, Twin and Bride We will take it. But, Salman has also worked in several films with Karisma's younger Kareena. In such a situation, everyone was surprised to hear such a statement. Because, in any film, Salman and Kareena have no relationship like brother
Karisma Kapoor made an unfolding disclosure about Salman and Kareena in the 'Night of the Limited Edition' show that no one would be convinced. In fact, during the show, Karisma said about the duo of Kareena Kapoor and Salman Khan that Salman is my best friend rather than Kareena. After this, you will be surprised by what Karisma said. Karisma said that 'Salman takes care of Kareena as a younger sister. She still thinks Kareena as a child. '
Let us tell you that Salman has worked in films such as Karisma with her number one, Aapne Aap Apna, Twin and Bride We will take it. But, Salman has also worked in several films with Karisma's younger Kareena. In such a situation, everyone was surprised to hear such a statement. Because, in any film, Salman and Kareena have no relationship like brother
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