A major accident took place in a play in Hansabad, near Kolkata, in West Bengal, which killed 63-year-old Actress Kalidasi Mandal. Actually, there was a jatra (public drama) in a house in the Varunhat area. There is also a show like every year. There was also a snake roll. Every year the plastic snake was used in this show, but this time the Kalidasi Mandal used the real snake, which drove them during the play
According to the police, Kalidasi was playing a beggar in the play. During this time he was walking with two cobra snakes. Then suddenly Spectacelli Cobra dumped him. After snake bites, he was taken to Hinglanganj Hospital, but the doctors said that he had died. At the same time Kalidasi's co-actor alleged that immediately after the accident, he was taken to the doctor and taken to the whistler. But he could not save his life.
According to the police, Kalidasi was playing a beggar in the play. During this time he was walking with two cobra snakes. Then suddenly Spectacelli Cobra dumped him. After snake bites, he was taken to Hinglanganj Hospital, but the doctors said that he had died. At the same time Kalidasi's co-actor alleged that immediately after the accident, he was taken to the doctor and taken to the whistler. But he could not save his life.
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