Akshar Prakash Raj, who is often in the headlines from his controversial statements, is once again in the discussion. This time he has attacked Zee with Amitabh Bachchan. In an interview, Prakash Raj called Big B a coward. Prakash said: Amitabh did not say anything on the gangrape and murder of a 8-year-old girl in Kathua of Jammu and Kashmir. They are cowards. Speak light - I wanted Amitabh to condemn this incident. He is the master of excellent sound, but he refused to say anything on the matter. I think it is a coward to say no to them
Prakash said - I wanted Amitabh Bachchan to come forward on this matter and say - stop it. Being an actor I feel that we also have responsibilities towards society. If we become cowardly then the entire society will be cowardly and cowardly.
Prakash said - I wanted Amitabh Bachchan to come forward on this matter and say - stop it. Being an actor I feel that we also have responsibilities towards society. If we become cowardly then the entire society will be cowardly and cowardly.
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