A few days ago, Akshay Kumar had said that the uniform worn in 'Rustam' movie was auctioned for charity. He also mentioned this auction on social media. He was supposed to use the money from the auction for good work, but now he is in trouble. According to a report, a legal notice has been sent to Akshay Kumar, his wife, Twinkle Khanna and Auction House for auctioning of 'Rustam' uniform. The name of 21 people in the notice ...
Notice contains names of 21 people. They also have serving army officers and some retired officers, who are saying that uniform auction should be stopped immediately. Indeed, he says that there is never auction of uniforms in India at any time. This is equivalent to messing with the honor of the army. It is not merely a uniform, but a symbol of respect and sacrifice. So it would be wrong to do so.
Notice contains names of 21 people. They also have serving army officers and some retired officers, who are saying that uniform auction should be stopped immediately. Indeed, he says that there is never auction of uniforms in India at any time. This is equivalent to messing with the honor of the army. It is not merely a uniform, but a symbol of respect and sacrifice. So it would be wrong to do so.
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