Legendary Jayewardhan Singh, from Rahogadh in Madhya Pradesh, is celebrating the third wedding anniversary on 19th May. Former Chief Minister Digvijay Singh's son Jayawardhan has married the princess of Dumari princely state of Bihar in Bihar's district. Both of them became parents on March 10, 2016.
The wedding took place on May 19 in the ancestral house of Shreejamaya in Dumariya.
After that, on 22 May, both of the Grand receptions were held in Delhi, which included former President Pratibha Patil, MP CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan and PM Narendra Modi.
- Shreejamya, who was seen in front of Modi at the stage, went ahead to touch his feet. The PM had stopped him in the middle - you are the daughter, do not touch the feet.
The wedding took place on May 19 in the ancestral house of Shreejamaya in Dumariya.
After that, on 22 May, both of the Grand receptions were held in Delhi, which included former President Pratibha Patil, MP CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan and PM Narendra Modi.
- Shreejamya, who was seen in front of Modi at the stage, went ahead to touch his feet. The PM had stopped him in the middle - you are the daughter, do not touch the feet.
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