Suresh Raina, one of Dhoni's closest allies in Indian cricket, has said that why Dhoni is angry at many occasions in this season of IPL. Raina has said that because the team has reached the playoff, Dhoni wants that now little mistakes should not be repeated again, which can be more heavy on the team in the next round.
It is actually a foul to Dhoni that when the bowler repeatedly makes the same mistake
Raina said, "Bowlers are always told about the plan that what we have to do. As a professional cricketer, you have to do this. '
Raina said, "I know what I have to do on the field but after getting advice from the captain, especially if bowlers are not putting the right length ball and giving extra runs, you may be upset. That's why he (Dhoni) says that we have to improve our game further. He has always said these things in the press conference. He is expecting them (from bowlers) very much. The next round is of playoff and you can not make any mistake there.
It is actually a foul to Dhoni that when the bowler repeatedly makes the same mistake
Raina said, "Bowlers are always told about the plan that what we have to do. As a professional cricketer, you have to do this. '
Raina said, "I know what I have to do on the field but after getting advice from the captain, especially if bowlers are not putting the right length ball and giving extra runs, you may be upset. That's why he (Dhoni) says that we have to improve our game further. He has always said these things in the press conference. He is expecting them (from bowlers) very much. The next round is of playoff and you can not make any mistake there.
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