Neha Dhupia has gone out of the US for honeymoon after marrying Gupta with Anand Bedi on May 10. However, after marriage, photos of Mehndi Function and Farewell have surfaced. A photo of Neha's farewell is getting viral on social media, in which she is crying like a father's throat. Please tell that Neha Dhupia had wished Anita Dogra's designer lingerie in marriage, while Angar Bedi was seen in white achkan
Kapal left for America late Thursday night after the wedding with Punjabi custom in a gurdwara in Delhi. It is being speculated that Newly Weds Couple has gone on honeymoon on the wedding night itself. However, it is being said that Kapal has gone to complete certain professional commitments.
Kapal left for America late Thursday night after the wedding with Punjabi custom in a gurdwara in Delhi. It is being speculated that Newly Weds Couple has gone on honeymoon on the wedding night itself. However, it is being said that Kapal has gone to complete certain professional commitments.
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