The pair of Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma continues to be discussed in the middle of the fiance even after marriage. Recently, Virat talked about family planning. In an interview he said that whenever he has children, he will not keep anything related to his achievements in the house. They will remove all things like trophy, achievement, which flash their careers. He said that he has taken this decision with the consent of Wife Anushka
Virat believes that children of Faesam Parents have to undergo a lot of pressure to move forward. And they do not want their children to go through this period too. He said that after having a child, most of his time would be for him.
- Virat Wife considers Anushka to be the off-the-field Captain. They say that Anushka always takes the right decision. They consider Anushka their biggest strength.
Virat believes that children of Faesam Parents have to undergo a lot of pressure to move forward. And they do not want their children to go through this period too. He said that after having a child, most of his time would be for him.
- Virat Wife considers Anushka to be the off-the-field Captain. They say that Anushka always takes the right decision. They consider Anushka their biggest strength.
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