Deepika Chikhlia, who has made her debut with Sita in Ramayana Sagar's Famous Show 'Ramayana', is in Kashmir nowadays. They are shooting upcoming movie 'Ghalib'. In this film of director Dhiraj Mishra, Deepika will be seen playing the role of Afzal Guru's wife. The last time Rajesh Khanna was seen in the film Khudai (1994), Deepika is returning to the big screen 24 years later.
Ghalib's story actually starts after Afzal Guru's execution. How does his wife not allow the exchange of sentiment in his son? Instead of the weapon inspires to lift the pen. As a result, Afzal's son brings more than 90% marks in the 10th and 12th exams of the Jammu and Kashmir Board. The movie is about that journey
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