Trailer of 'Sanju' has been released, and after this trailer many unforeseen stories are now openly exposed. In which, from going to jail, there are unreliable tales and stories of his love. According to Teaser, Sanjay Dutt had 308 girlfriend, including Tina Munim, who was also Anil Ambani's wife Tina Ambani. Tina was in love with Sanjay Dutt but was not able to talk. In Tina's debut film, Sanjay Dutt was in love with Tina and he fell in love with him.
After that he got a chance to become a Miss Teenage Intercontinental contestant, a second runner sub in Aruba. He has a degree in Arts from Mumbai's Jai Hind College.
Well, Tina is now counted among the billionaires, if Sanjay Dutt had got his love permit, he would have been in pain today because Sanjay Dutt's life was similar.
He had to spend half of his life in jail. But people like him because of some good work done by Sanjay Dutt
After that he got a chance to become a Miss Teenage Intercontinental contestant, a second runner sub in Aruba. He has a degree in Arts from Mumbai's Jai Hind College.
Well, Tina is now counted among the billionaires, if Sanjay Dutt had got his love permit, he would have been in pain today because Sanjay Dutt's life was similar.
He had to spend half of his life in jail. But people like him because of some good work done by Sanjay Dutt
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