Amitabh Bachchan's daughter Shweta Bachchan is doing her acting debut soon. However, he will not be seen in any film, but he will be seen in an ad in the jewelery with his father Amitabh. These ads will be on air in July. Both have completed the shooting of this ad
In the ad, Shweta Bachchan Nanda is seen in a simple look.
- He has worn off white and yellow color kurta. At the same time, Amitabh is seen in the check shirt, black pants and black muffler.
Amitabh-Shweta is seen playing the middle class family in the photographs of the shooting of the shoot.
- Amitabh is in the role of an elderly and Shweta is his support so that he can walk properly.
In the ad, Shweta Bachchan Nanda is seen in a simple look.
- He has worn off white and yellow color kurta. At the same time, Amitabh is seen in the check shirt, black pants and black muffler.
Amitabh-Shweta is seen playing the middle class family in the photographs of the shooting of the shoot.
- Amitabh is in the role of an elderly and Shweta is his support so that he can walk properly.
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