After this win of Chennai Super Kings, former India captain Sourav Ganguly also looked very happy. Ganguly said, "Chennai's team supported Dhoni with plenty of support, so he managed to score 455 runs this season. Last year, Dhoni scored 290 runs in the captaincy of Steve Smith, during that time he was under pressure to do well. Dhoni has also taken a lot of attention with his fitness as well as his fitness. He looked better this season than last year. Dhoni has not only contributed significantly to his batting but also the wicketkeeping in Chennai's team. "
According to Ganguly, the confidence of the franchise has been done to give Dhoni a different Confidence this season. When the player is passing through a bad phase, he needs faith. The Chennai team showed confidence in Dhoni and he stood all the way on this trust. Dhoni is seen in a different spirit and enthusiasm in the team of Chennai, Dhoni, who has been part of Chennai for so many years, is emotionally connected to this team. "
According to Ganguly, the confidence of the franchise has been done to give Dhoni a different Confidence this season. When the player is passing through a bad phase, he needs faith. The Chennai team showed confidence in Dhoni and he stood all the way on this trust. Dhoni is seen in a different spirit and enthusiasm in the team of Chennai, Dhoni, who has been part of Chennai for so many years, is emotionally connected to this team. "
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