A 50-year-old actress died in a snake bite on Wednesday in Hansabad, West Bengal. This actress named Kalidasi Devi was playing the role of Goddess of Snakes. Every year this actress used to do this character with plastic snakes, but this time it was decided to roll it with 2 real snakes. The snake at the time the actress was kata when she was giving live performance.
They were taken to an Ojha after watching the snake slipping down from the poison, but the actress did not get any benefit. After this he was taken to a nearby hospital where doctors declared him dead. Hospital doctors said - If the patient was provided medical treatment at the time, then his life could be saved.
They were taken to an Ojha after watching the snake slipping down from the poison, but the actress did not get any benefit. After this he was taken to a nearby hospital where doctors declared him dead. Hospital doctors said - If the patient was provided medical treatment at the time, then his life could be saved.
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