These days, the preparations for Sonam Kapoor's marriage are going on loudly. On May 1, Kapoor Family confirmed the date of marriage of Sonam to marry that May 8. In the meanwhile, though, a bad news has come up. In fact, Sonam's house was going on for a long time in the preparation of Music Ceremonies. It was supposed to choreographed Farah Khan. But suddenly there was a tragedy with Farah, due to which the music rehearsal had to be stopped
Actually, Farah Khan was shooting a TV show in Sub-Urban area of Mumbai. Meanwhile, he slipped and fractured his right leg. Farah also shared his photo on social media. According to reports, Farah had to complete the shoot in two days. For this reason, he was working fast. However, having a foot slip in the vanity van caused fracture in his leg.
Actually, Farah Khan was shooting a TV show in Sub-Urban area of Mumbai. Meanwhile, he slipped and fractured his right leg. Farah also shared his photo on social media. According to reports, Farah had to complete the shoot in two days. For this reason, he was working fast. However, having a foot slip in the vanity van caused fracture in his leg.
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