Aishwarya Rai left Mumbai on Thursday night to attend the Cannes Film Festival. During this, daughter is accompanied by Aaradhya. Before leaving for Cannes, mother-daughter posed in front of the media at the airport. During this both matches were seen in the black dress. Seeing the media, Aaradh gave several types of poses. Let us know that Aaradhas go to Partisipat every year with mother
Aishwarya will spread its rage on the Red Carpet on May 12 and 13 in Kansas. His look has always been in the discussion. Aishwarya is participating in Continuous Cannes for the last 17 years. He first participated in Cannes in 2002. Aishwarya registers the 'Laureal' brand of France here. Please tell that the 71st Cannes Film Festival will run from May 8 to 19.
Aishwarya will spread its rage on the Red Carpet on May 12 and 13 in Kansas. His look has always been in the discussion. Aishwarya is participating in Continuous Cannes for the last 17 years. He first participated in Cannes in 2002. Aishwarya registers the 'Laureal' brand of France here. Please tell that the 71st Cannes Film Festival will run from May 8 to 19.
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