Yash Jauhar and Karan Johar's Dream Project film Dhank's shooting has begun. In the film, Madhuri Dixit performed a breakthrough role. This look of Madhuri is out in the ongoing shooting in Mumbai. In which they are wearing black dress. Apart from Madhuri, Varun Dhawan, Sonakshi Sinha, Sanjay Dutt, Aditya Roy Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are also in the blur. The story of this period drama is of the British era. When the blacksmiths of the diamond market in Lahore rebelled.
Madhuri and Sanjay Dutt are working together after 21 years in film blurring. Sanjay will be seen in the role of a king in the film.
- The last film of Sanjay Dutt and Madhuri Dixit was 'greatness' released in 1997. After Sanjay's arrest in the 1993 bomb blast case, both were not seen together.
Madhuri and Sanjay Dutt are working together after 21 years in film blurring. Sanjay will be seen in the role of a king in the film.
- The last film of Sanjay Dutt and Madhuri Dixit was 'greatness' released in 1997. After Sanjay's arrest in the 1993 bomb blast case, both were not seen together.
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