On Tuesday evening, the news came on social media that Ajay Devgan's helicopter crashed near Mahabaleshwar. This news has come to a halt to the social media and these news has become viral rapidly. But let us tell you this news that Shearer Fek and Ajay are completely safe. Even with the news, his injury photographs have also emerged, including serious injuries. These photos, however, are also faked. Ajay Devgan is completely safe
The local police of Mahabaleshwar have given information about Ajay Devgan and have taken curtains from this news.
- The police have said in the statement that, "The message which is getting viral on the whitespace, Ajay is completely fake".
The local police of Mahabaleshwar have given information about Ajay Devgan and have taken curtains from this news.
- The police have said in the statement that, "The message which is getting viral on the whitespace, Ajay is completely fake".
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