Chennai Super Kings team arrived in Delhi on Tuesday for their next IPL match in 2018. Where his next match will be on Friday by the Delhi Daredevils team. After reaching the capital of CSK Players, there was a spectacular sight on the airport, when MS Dhoni's Wife witnessing taking pleasure from his own daughter Jeeva. In fact, after reaching the airport, all the team members were coming down from the escalator. During that time, Jiva was caught by the hand of a member of the team, Karan Sharma, by not touching any of his parents. The other hand held by Jiva was held by another woman. Although his mother was the sole witness behind Jiva, who had fully monitored the jiva. During this time, the photo of a perfect timing of the witness was clicked, in which he was smiling while watching the jiva, while at the same time he pressed one of his fingers under his teeth. Seeing this photo looks like they are enjoying the jiva, how long does it not remember the mummy. Let us know that two league matches of Chennai Super Kings are available in the tournament. One of his matches will be against Delhi on 18th May, while the last league match will be on May 20 with the Kings XI Punjab team.
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