Sanjay Dutt's biopic 'Sanju' trailer launched on May 30 Apart from Ranbir Kapoor, the entire starcast of the team was present on this occasion. On the occasion of the trailer launch, Vidhu Vinod Chopra, producer of the movie said, "When Sanjay Dutt went to jail, I did not know him. Sanjay was blacklisted by the film industry. Later, I went to Sanjay Dutt's house with a film offer, I was blacklisted too
According to Ranbir, I am a big fan of Sanjay Dutt. I used to put their posters in my room. I can never be like him but I want Sanju to be like me. I hope Sanjay Dutt will have a fondness that I have given his life the best way.
According to Ranbir, I am a big fan of Sanjay Dutt. I used to put their posters in my room. I can never be like him but I want Sanju to be like me. I hope Sanjay Dutt will have a fondness that I have given his life the best way.
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