Veteran actress Anita Das passed away. He was 57 years old. According to information from family sources, on Friday morning, the cardiac arrest came at his house in Cuttack. Sources say that the actress complained of chest pain and died a few minutes later
Anita Das had acted in more than 100 films of Oriya language and left an indelible imprint on the heart of cinemakers from mother's roll.
CM Naveen Patnaik has condoled the sudden demise of Anita Das. He said, "His priceless contribution will be remembered in Odiya Film and TV industry." On the other hand, President of Odisha Pradesh Congress Committee Niranjan Patnaik expressed grief over the death of the actress and said that his lack of in the film industry could never be filled.
Anita Das had acted in more than 100 films of Oriya language and left an indelible imprint on the heart of cinemakers from mother's roll.
CM Naveen Patnaik has condoled the sudden demise of Anita Das. He said, "His priceless contribution will be remembered in Odiya Film and TV industry." On the other hand, President of Odisha Pradesh Congress Committee Niranjan Patnaik expressed grief over the death of the actress and said that his lack of in the film industry could never be filled.
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