प्लास्टिक की बोतलों का जैसा उपयोग इन लोगों ने किया है उसे देखकर दिमाग हि...

Plastic waste is the biggest problem in today's world. The reason is that it is not destroyed quickly. According to scientists, plastic is required for about 2 thousand years to complete completely. But by the speed at which the plastic items are being constructed, it seems that soon the whole earth is going to be plastic.

Plastic bottles have the most contribution to increase plastic waste. Coke, soda, water all come in these bottles and they are thrown after one-time use. However, scientists are concerned about the problem of disposal of this waste but there are some creative people who have not even tried to destroy them but have found ways to use them better. And these methods are somewhere useful, they are fun too
