Neha Dhupia was seen in Bandra along with Hassand Angad Bedi on Sunday. During this Neha was dressed in a nightclub. The red brace of the wedding was seen in their hands. But neither was the vermillion in his demand nor was Mangalasutra in the throats. Not only that, make-up was also missing from Neha's face. Talking about Angad, he was wearing a cap with lower, T-shirt
Neha started looking at Bandra, taking photographs of photographers. During this time he tried to hide his face. However, after sitting in the car Neha and Angad pose for photos. Let Neha and Angad marry on May 10 in a gurdwara in Delhi. Neha and Angad had left for the US right after marriage. It was discussed that they went there to celebrate honeymoon, according to Neha's father, due to some work commitments she had to go there. Both of them have returned to the US from the US in the past.
Neha started looking at Bandra, taking photographs of photographers. During this time he tried to hide his face. However, after sitting in the car Neha and Angad pose for photos. Let Neha and Angad marry on May 10 in a gurdwara in Delhi. Neha and Angad had left for the US right after marriage. It was discussed that they went there to celebrate honeymoon, according to Neha's father, due to some work commitments she had to go there. Both of them have returned to the US from the US in the past.
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