Sonam Kapoor appeared on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival 6 days after marriage, i.e. on May 14. Earlier, a video of Sonam Kapoor appeared in which he is seen going through the security check before joining the event. In the video, Sonam is sitting ready on a backseat of the car. Meanwhile, security guard opens the gate of the car, then Sonam calls him 'hi-hello'
The person sitting in front of Sonam was imprisoning this whole sentence in the camera. The guard tells Sonam - we are checking from the Security Point of View. In the meantime, the voice of the man in the camera comes in and he says that we have kept something hidden under Sonam's dress. Sonam also laughs to hear about her.
Please tell that Sonam chose designer Ralph and Raso's off-white character for Cannes's red carpet. Talking about accessories, they wear studs, which match their wedding rings. In Sonam Cannes, the cosmetic brand Laurel has been representing India on behalf of Paris.
The person sitting in front of Sonam was imprisoning this whole sentence in the camera. The guard tells Sonam - we are checking from the Security Point of View. In the meantime, the voice of the man in the camera comes in and he says that we have kept something hidden under Sonam's dress. Sonam also laughs to hear about her.
Please tell that Sonam chose designer Ralph and Raso's off-white character for Cannes's red carpet. Talking about accessories, they wear studs, which match their wedding rings. In Sonam Cannes, the cosmetic brand Laurel has been representing India on behalf of Paris.
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