Actress Sonam Kapoor has tied up with Delhi-based businessman Anand Ahuja for the marriage bond. Both of them were married to Punjabi customs. Wedding Ceremoni Sonam's Aunt Kavita Singh's bungalow was in the bungalow located in the bungalow. According to reports, Sonam Kapoor wore the same Pearl-Gold jewelery in the wedding, which her mother wore at her wedding 34 years ago. Apart from this, he wore red color, in which he looked beautiful
Anil and Sunita Kapoor became emotional during daughter's daughter-in-law and farewell during marriage. Let Sonam's money go on May 6, while Music Ceremoni was on May 7. The reception begins at the Hotel Leela on Tuesday night.
Anil and Sunita Kapoor became emotional during daughter's daughter-in-law and farewell during marriage. Let Sonam's money go on May 6, while Music Ceremoni was on May 7. The reception begins at the Hotel Leela on Tuesday night.
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