सफेद बालों को हमेशा के लिए जड़ से काला कर देंगे ये 3 पत्ते..

To prepare the prescription that we are going to tell you today, you will need only 2 things and those two things are coconut oil and hard leaf. You will find the hard leaf in the market and coconut oil will already be present in your house. Let's know how to make this recipe.

To make this recipe first, first make 3 pieces of paste and paste it in the mixer, and now add 3 tablespoons of coconut oil in this paste and after mixing them, cook it for 10 minutes. After cooking for 10 minutes, keep this paste to cool down and when the paste is cooled, fill it in a bottle.

Applying this oil in your hair and hair roots every day while sleeping at night, and wake up in the morning to wash it with some herbal shampoo. By using this prescription, you will start to feel the difference in your hair within 3 days and if you want good results then use this prescription for 2 to 3 weeks.
