Actor KK Goswami (44), who is now known for his long-acting acting on TV World, is away from the small screen. KK Goswami, who was debuting with the TV show 'Shaktiman' in 1997, was seen for the last time in 'Tridevias'. Not many people know that Goswami, born in a small village in Bihar, has faced many problems for reaching Mumbai.
Goswami himself told during an interview that in the interview he did not even have the height of his younger brother. When a circus person came to know about this, he met Goswami's father.
- The circus talked about buying them from Goswami's father. In return, the father gets Rs 50 thousand. And had said that he would teach circus work.
At that time, Goswami's age was only 10-12 years. His father did not listen to the circus person and refused to accept this offer.
Goswami himself told during an interview that in the interview he did not even have the height of his younger brother. When a circus person came to know about this, he met Goswami's father.
- The circus talked about buying them from Goswami's father. In return, the father gets Rs 50 thousand. And had said that he would teach circus work.
At that time, Goswami's age was only 10-12 years. His father did not listen to the circus person and refused to accept this offer.
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