Celebrations of celebrities in the reception of Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja. In this reception, from Shah Rukh to Salman Khan all made a lot of dance. Meanwhile, there was talk of Shahrukh and Gauri, knowing that Gauri is still the queen of the heart of Shah Rukh Khan.
On this occasion, King Khan was wearing a black colored coat while Gauri was wearing shimmer silver colored gown. In which she looked very beautiful
According to the reports, Shah Rukh Khan kept Gauri's hand in the entire party and did not leave him alone for a moment. Even on a lot of people on the dance floor, Shah Rukh left Gauri's hand.
The picture of Gauri and Shahrukh captured in Sonam and Anand's reception is proof that both of these relationships are still strong and love is as deep as it is.
On this occasion, King Khan was wearing a black colored coat while Gauri was wearing shimmer silver colored gown. In which she looked very beautiful
According to the reports, Shah Rukh Khan kept Gauri's hand in the entire party and did not leave him alone for a moment. Even on a lot of people on the dance floor, Shah Rukh left Gauri's hand.
The picture of Gauri and Shahrukh captured in Sonam and Anand's reception is proof that both of these relationships are still strong and love is as deep as it is.
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