Telling Marathi actor Praful Bhalerao dies in a train accident here today A police official said that the accident happened this morning when Bhalerao was going to Malad from Goregaon. They did not give any further details. According to the report, at 4:30 in the morning someone called the Railway Police and told the news of Praful Bhalerao's death.
Then the police found their body on the railway truck. Who was taken to a nearby hospital. Next, the Borivali Railway Government Police said that 22-year-old TV actor Malad station tried to climb on the fast moving local train at platform number 2. During this time his feet slipped and fell on the trek. So that he felt a heavy blow on his head and died.
Praful Marathi (22) is considered famous actor in the television industry. She got her fame as a child actor from Popular Marathi TV series Kunku. This story has been told about the story of a village girl. Whose name is Janaki. How does the girl go to Mumbai from a village in Maharashtra? His journey has been shown beautifully.
Then the police found their body on the railway truck. Who was taken to a nearby hospital. Next, the Borivali Railway Government Police said that 22-year-old TV actor Malad station tried to climb on the fast moving local train at platform number 2. During this time his feet slipped and fell on the trek. So that he felt a heavy blow on his head and died.
Praful Marathi (22) is considered famous actor in the television industry. She got her fame as a child actor from Popular Marathi TV series Kunku. This story has been told about the story of a village girl. Whose name is Janaki. How does the girl go to Mumbai from a village in Maharashtra? His journey has been shown beautifully.
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