Bollywood singer and composer Himesh Reshamiya is going to get married second on Friday. They will be married to girlfriend Sonia Kapoor at her Mumbai home on May 11. Let's say Himesh's first wife's name is gentle. Himesh and Komal were married in 1995 and they were divorced in 2017.
Sanjay Dutt's first marriage was from Actress Richa Sharma (1987), but in 1996, Richa died of brain tumor. After this, he got along with Riya Pillai and both of them got married, but this marriage did not last long and both of them got divorced (1998-2005). After separation from Riya, Sanjay married in the year 2008, with whom he had two twins, Shahran and Ikra.
Sanjay Dutt's first marriage was from Actress Richa Sharma (1987), but in 1996, Richa died of brain tumor. After this, he got along with Riya Pillai and both of them got married, but this marriage did not last long and both of them got divorced (1998-2005). After separation from Riya, Sanjay married in the year 2008, with whom he had two twins, Shahran and Ikra.
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