Team Team India and Youth icon Virat Kohli gave a fitness challenge to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday. Actually, Virat Kohli was given the first Union youth and sports minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore by putting a video and a fitness challenge, which Virat had made and exposed his video of exercise by posting and posting. Posting a video, Virat gave a fitness challenge to the country's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Anushka Sharma, and former India captain MS Dhoni. Prime Minister Modi has also accepted Virat's challenge. PM wrote while tweeting - Challenge approved Virat! I will share my fitness videos soon When Virat gave Modi a challenge, this challenge was challenged by many Modi fans. Modi fences say that Modi works day and night, he is superfitt
67 years old Narendra Modi gets up at four o'clock in the morning. Some senior BJP leaders have seen the daily routine of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and have also been told several times. According to him, there is no active leader like Modi
67 years old Narendra Modi gets up at four o'clock in the morning. Some senior BJP leaders have seen the daily routine of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and have also been told several times. According to him, there is no active leader like Modi
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