'Bhabhiji is at home' Anaguri Bhabhi rolls out on a roll, a video of Shilpa Shinde is getting viral. In it, he is seen dancing on the film 'Vishwatma', Famous Song 'Seven Samudra Par Mere Tera ...'. His funny romance can also be seen in the video with Comedian Sunil Grover. At the end of the video, both have pose in the style of Kiss. Explain that this video clip is taken from a performance of Sunil and Shilpa's new show 'Dhan Dhana Dhan'
This show of Shilpa and Sunil has been prepared especially for the Indian Premier League (IPL). In the show, Shilpa is playing the role of Gogli Devi. While Sunil is in the role of Professor LBW This is Shilpa's first show after becoming the winner of 'Bigg Boss 11'. At the same time, after leaving 'The Kapil Sharma Show', Sunil Grover has made a successful comeback from this.
This show of Shilpa and Sunil has been prepared especially for the Indian Premier League (IPL). In the show, Shilpa is playing the role of Gogli Devi. While Sunil is in the role of Professor LBW This is Shilpa's first show after becoming the winner of 'Bigg Boss 11'. At the same time, after leaving 'The Kapil Sharma Show', Sunil Grover has made a successful comeback from this.
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