Salman Khan, Jodhupar Court has sentenced five years to jail In the black deer hunting case, the decision came 20 years later. Salman has been in Bollywood for more than 27 years. By the way, you have seen Salman's professional life on the screen, but the real world behind Salman's screen is rarely seen. Born in Indore, Madhya Pradesh in 1965, Salman's real name is Abdul Rashid Saleem Salman Khan. Salman is the eldest of five siblings (Salman, Arbaaz, Sohail, Alvira and Arpita)
Talk about Salman's family, then his father Salim Khan is Bollywood's Famous Writer, mother Sushila Charak (Salma) is House Wife. Salman's second mother, Helen, is a popular item dancer of her time. Salman in 1988. K. Bihari's film, 'Bevi Ho To Aisi', got entry in Bollywood. However, for the first time in 1989, he was seen in Lead Roll in Suraj Barjatya's 'I Love Kya'. Salman has acted as an actor in more than 77 films
Talk about Salman's family, then his father Salim Khan is Bollywood's Famous Writer, mother Sushila Charak (Salma) is House Wife. Salman's second mother, Helen, is a popular item dancer of her time. Salman in 1988. K. Bihari's film, 'Bevi Ho To Aisi', got entry in Bollywood. However, for the first time in 1989, he was seen in Lead Roll in Suraj Barjatya's 'I Love Kya'. Salman has acted as an actor in more than 77 films
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