Court has now granted bail to Salman, today he will be able to return to his home in Mumbai. Earlier, for the hearing of his brother, Jodhpur sessions court with his two sisters Arpita Khan and Alvira, Salman's Bodyguard arrived some time ago. But here Salman Khan's bodyguard was confronted with the media. Some of the media photographers were looking for photographs of Salman's sisters and bodyguard secretary was taking them to court while protecting them. But in the meanwhile, a second bodyguard pushed away the media with the media workers.
Given this, the police immediately caught the bodyguard and forced them into the car. The bodyguard has not let the police go to the court. At the same time, Sherry has reached the court on both the sisters of Salman.
Given this, the police immediately caught the bodyguard and forced them into the car. The bodyguard has not let the police go to the court. At the same time, Sherry has reached the court on both the sisters of Salman.
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