Mukesh Ambani is now bringing his bank after making Tehelka in the telecom sector. RBI has got approval from their bank. Mukesh Ambani's bank will be named Geo Bank and it is going to be launched as a payment bank. So far, companies like Airtel and PetiMi were running a secret rule in the form of payment banks.
After approval from Reserve Bank of India, Geo Payments Bank Limited has started commercial operation since April 3. Competition has increased significantly since Geo's landing in the banking payment sector. It has already become difficult for the payment bank like PettyM and Airtel, which are already in the market. Given the spectacular performance of Geo in the telecom sector, it is expected that Geo will blast here with its best offer.
After approval from Reserve Bank of India, Geo Payments Bank Limited has started commercial operation since April 3. Competition has increased significantly since Geo's landing in the banking payment sector. It has already become difficult for the payment bank like PettyM and Airtel, which are already in the market. Given the spectacular performance of Geo in the telecom sector, it is expected that Geo will blast here with its best offer.
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