The first match of the IPL-11 at Wankhede was played between Mumbai Indians and Chennai Superkings. In this match, it happened with the Mumbai Indians, Dhawindar allrounder Hardik Pandya, that he picked up Dhoni and his team, running Chennai SuperKing. Actually, during the run, Pandya, who was standing at Bowling End, drew up against Chennai's Dwayne Bravo, and then what happened after. Seeing him, the fiance of the Bombay Indians became frozen.
After hitting Bravo, Pandya screamed and fell on the pitch. Looking at this, Bravo, Dhoni and the rest of the team arrived to raise them. For a long time when Pandya did not get up, the physio and support staff of the Mumbai team took them out and took them out.
After hitting Bravo, Pandya screamed and fell on the pitch. Looking at this, Bravo, Dhoni and the rest of the team arrived to raise them. For a long time when Pandya did not get up, the physio and support staff of the Mumbai team took them out and took them out.
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