In the 9th match of the IPL played in Mumbai, Akash Ambani appears with his fiancé Shrloka Mehta. Together they saw cheering the team together. However, the sky appeared in some tension. Let me tell you that Shloka diamond is the youngest in three children of businessman Rasel and Mona Mehta. Russell is the head of Blue Diamonds. They are counted among top six diamond traders in the country.
Akash and Shloka have studied together from Dhirubai Ambani International School. After completing studies in 2009, Shloka took a Master's degree in law from Anthropology and London School of Economics and Political Science from Princeton University.
- Shloka Mehta is Director in Blue Foundation since July 2014. He is also a co-founder of Connector, who provides various NGOs according to his needs Volunteer.
Akash and Shloka have studied together from Dhirubai Ambani International School. After completing studies in 2009, Shloka took a Master's degree in law from Anthropology and London School of Economics and Political Science from Princeton University.
- Shloka Mehta is Director in Blue Foundation since July 2014. He is also a co-founder of Connector, who provides various NGOs according to his needs Volunteer.
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